Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation—Website

The charitable Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation asked us to re-design and expand their online presence. The challenge was to present WCF’s wide variety of activities in an intuitive structure.

Opportunity ›

Put our collective talent toward a good work in service to God and the community. We are humbled and thankful for great opportunities like this!

Challenge ›

The WCF Directors asked us to create an experience that would underscore the Foundation’s “human face” as well as their personal accessibility.

Solution ›

The resulting site is providing great service as a feature showcase, a detailed information access point, and even an online store.

Nuts and bolts ›

Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash Dreamweaver. Site hosting and registration service.



Custom illustrations throughout the site help identify sections and provide a series of waypoints for visitors.


The face of the Foundation

WCF is all about serving the needs of people and preaching the Truth to the world. The rotating banner at the top of the site makes this fact clear with beautiful photos of people all over the world helping and receiving assistance.



The custom illustrations on the home page and the elegant drop-down menu system make navigating the site extremely intuitive.